What is Your Disobedience Costing You?
Is it costing you, money, wasted time, opportunities, new experiences, connections? There’s a cost to disobedience.
Back in December I allowed my procrastination (or was it fear 🧐) to cause me to cancel an event that I had mentally planned but had not executed with marketing and such. The event wasn’t just for me but others would have benefited. I often think back on how it went down and how I could have done better. Each opportunity such as the one I had planned, is a boost to my confidence and a way to connect with others. The more you do something, the better you feel about it and the more comfortable you are with it. I missed that opportunity.
I believe God gave me the idea as he does often and I didn’t follow through as I should have and I therefore missed the opportunity to connect with others, share more products, gain more customers, and offer Christmas gift options to people that might have been in need. Small example, it doesn’t seem that significant however the small adds up to the big which is why you must take advantage of the small opportunities as they become something big. There’s reward in the small steps taken toward the big things.
As I was reading my devotion the other morning, I went to read the full verse for context and came across this scripture on obedience, which made me remember another devotion I had read and it’s scripture. “Even though Jesus was God’s son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered. In this way, God qualified him as a perfect High Priest, and he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him.” Hebrews 5:8 NLT. In the other devotion the scripture was “and through your descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed- all because you have obeyed” Genesis 22:18. Both reminded me of the importance of obedience. Jesus had to suffer in and learned obedience from it. Abraham was able to bless his descendants because of his obedience. So I ask the question again, what is our disobedience costing us?
It’s so easy to stay comfortable and to do what we’ve been doing, but there’s no advancement in that. If we are going to do this Christian life, we have to do it all the way and that includes our obedience to God. Obedience when we don’t understand, obedience when we can’t “figure” it out for ourselves or when it doesn’t make sense. If you’re going to trust God, you have to trust Him ALL the way. In the words of Pastor Todd, our your weight on it!