Real Love

I was riding in the car listening to the radio and the song, Jireh by Maverick City Music and Elevation Worship came on, one of my favorite songs. As the song was playing, I was thinking of what I could write a blog post about. I had been feeling the desire to write something for Holy Week. But I wasn’t sure what I wanted to write about.

This week I decided to read scriptures of events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and death. I figured something would come from that but I got nothing. As I continued to listen to the words to the song, Jireh, I began to think of what I learned or what revelations came from my reading and I realized the theme was love. I know that we all know the scripture, John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life,” this scripture is so relevant to what Jesus did on the cross. I think of how Jesus sat at the last supper table with people that he knew would betray him but still went forward to save them. How would you behave if you knew someone was a traitor or would sell you out for some money. Would you still carry on as business as usual? If you’re like me, you going in on that person or better yet, you don’t even want to be around them. Jesus didn’t come down on Judas or Peter he spoke his truth of what was to come and then went on about his business. The same people that were yelling, Hosanna, the previous week, would yell, crucify him, and he went on anyhow. That’s love! He did and went through all of that so that we can live again. That’s real love!

While we are not on Jesus’ level, I often ask myself, how can I be more like Jesus? How can I share his love with others? Jesus loved us before we even existed, he gave his life so that our sins would be forgiven. He didn’t want to do it, but he did nevertheless. I’m reminded of his sacrificial love and I’m beyond grateful.

As I continued to ride in the car another song came on and I was like, okay God, I see you. Lol. The next song that came on was No Greater Love by Rudy Currence & Chrisette Michele. The song lyrics include “I Can Not Hide, You Know What I Have Done Yet You Decided To Love Me Anyway, No I Can Not Lie, How Do You See Beyond My Flaws. No, I, Don’t Know Why You Would Save Somebody Like Me.” Powerful!!! It’s beyond me that God would send his son to die on the cross for us.

As we continue Holy Week, let us remember the sacrificial love of God. We owe him our best. He gave his best to us, we must do the same for him. God is so faithful to us. Mary J said she was searching for real love, but we already found it, in God.

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