Mind Your Business
I am a faithful member of Minding Your Business Ministries. If you’ve ever heard of Sarah Jakes Roberts and the Woman Evolve podcast, you know all about minding your business, moisturizing your edges, and drinking your water. For those that are not familiar, I’ll give you the Bridgette definition, minding your business means staying in your lane and doing what God called you to do. It also means staying out of other folks business but that’s another story.
I was a part of the dance ministry at my church and I remember dancing to a song (can’t remember the name of it right now) about laying your burdens at the altar. We started the dance out walking in dragging bags of burdens (each bag had a different burden written on it). At the end of the dance, we had to figure out how the bags would be removed from the altar, of course we couldn’t just pick them up and walk off, that would defeat the purpose of the whole dance, right? The truth of the matter is, so many times we pray to God to answer our prayers, deliver us, yet, at the end of the prayer, we pick that same burden back up. It’s easy to say you can pray it away, but the truth is, it’s still on your mind, in your thoughts, etc. We must be intentional about minding our business.
Pray about it then give it to God. Once this is done, it is no longer your business. Let it go!!! When it comes back up again in your mind, you need to cut it! Cut the thought, remind yourself of scripture, remind yourself that it’s no longer your business. If God says he’s going to take care of it, trust him. He will do what he said he will do, and it is not your business how he will do it. Your only role is to have faith and believe.
Taking on the problems of the world and carrying them, is not your business either. Acknowledge, pray, and then if led, come up with an action plan of what you can do to help, but don’t carry loads meant for God to carry.
This blog post is a brief reminder to you, focus on what God has for you to do. What are your God-goals? Focus on that. If you don’t know, spend some time with God to find out what he has for you to do. One thing for sure he has for you to do is to go spread the word about him, bring people to God. Share the gospel.
There are blessings that come with waiting on God and having faith. God will reward you for your faithfulness. Mind your business and not the business of God or even others. Stay focused on what God has for you to do, and stay away from focusing on things you cannot control. Let it go and mind your business!