Legacy Lives On!
I had the pleasure of spending time with family and friends this past Independence Day on Hilton Head Island, SC. My grandfather is from HHI and we have been blessed to experience his hometown. There is a big pear tree on our property, and I learned during my time there recently my grandfather planted the tree. As I watched my little cousins pick pears from the tree, the word legacy came to mind. My grandfather’s legacy lives on. How beautiful it is that we are still feasting on the seed he planted decades ago. How will future generations be able to “feast” on the works and seeds of you. What have you done on earth that will continue to make an impact to future generations? As you ponder on these things, don’t get so caught up in material things. While I’m grateful for the material things my grandfather left for us, it was his words of wisdom, lessons taught, and how he carried himself that continues to live on through us. Be intentional about what you will leave behind for the next generations. Legacy lives on!
Love this! Love my family!!