He has RISEN!

There’s something powerful about someone that would give up their life for you. Man, that’s some strong love. Every time I think of what God did for us by sending his son, Jesus to die on the cross for our sins; I’m amazed. He did that just for me…just for you.


Jesus has risen! “He is not here; he has risen!” (Luke‬ ‭24:6‬ NIV‬‬). When Jesus rose from the dead he had all power. As a follower of Christ you have access to that power, no longer do you have to be ruled by fear, sin, etc. What do you need to rise above that is still holding you back? Resurrection Day reminds us to continue to break barriers, so that we can have all God has for us. The sacrifice was great for us to be able to LIVE!!! #resurrectionpower

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