Are You Dreaming?

How often to you sit back and dream? Dream about what will be? What will come? How you imagine your future life to be? Recently, I’ve been dreaming a lot. I just allow my thoughts to take over and it’s like an adrenaline rush. I get excited and want to make plans. Perhaps, that is the reason for dreaming, to allow your thoughts to take action.

What about you? Are you dreaming? As the ideas come, write them down. Then write out your vision, so you can begin to plan your action steps. Dreams are not just for your imagination, I believe it’s a seed being planted for you to water and allow the sun to shine. Watering your seed requires you to do your research and figure out how you can make it happen. Then, God comes in and shines light, providing you with his grace, wisdom, and love to bless your efforts. He will even send people your way to further align your vision.

This blog post is a reminder to keep dreaming, but not only dream also write your vision, pray about it, and begin to plan to make it happen. Dreaming makes you happy and as though you can conquer anything. And remember, you can conquer anything, don’t forget the scripture, “with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).” So go on and dream, then start that business, move to that new city, write that book, apply for that dream job, start that non-profit, or whatever you desire. It all starts with a dream, but your actions are what makes it happen! Keep dreaming, don’t stop!

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